Company Profile

  • Company Name(Eng.) MEXICANA CO., LTD. Company Status Closed
  • Company Name(Kor.) 멕시카나
  • Address (Lot No. Address) *****************1-dong, Dalseo-gu, Daegu
  • Address (Road Name Address) **********Yongsan-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu
  • Corporate Reg. No. Business Reg. No. 502- 28-*****
  • President & CEO(Eng.) Cho, Dae-hyun President & CEO(Kor.) 조대현
  • Legal Form Proprietor Line of Business Restaurants and mobile food service activities
  • Fiscal Year-end N/A Date of Rating 2023-03-24

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* Notes : Some contents can be limited or omitted depending on company’s size, type, legal issues, and etc.


*Real-time Report

Select Report List
Real-time Report Fiscal Year-End Language Price(US$) Already Buy Sample
Credit Check English 20
Business Information Report(BIR) English 60
Company Profile + F/S English 35

☞ *Notes:
1. Real-time reports of Dormant, Closed, Liquidated or Merged companies are not available due to the time difference of rating.
2. Real-time reports for being not rated companies are not available because we do not have company information in our database.

*Evaluated Report

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Evaluated Report Fiscal Year-End Language Price(US$) Already Buy Sample
Evaluated Business Report English 80

*Fresh Investigation Report

Select Report List
Fresh Investigation Report Fiscal Year-End Language Price(US$) Already Buy Sample
Business Information Report(Normal) English 110
Business Information Report(Express) English 132
Business Information Report(Superflash) English 165
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